Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 07

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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Beach (durasi: 00:44:27).

Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (dune, beach buggy, sand castle, sand bucket, sand bar, slalom skier, jet ski, wave, surfer, sunbather, chaise longue, tide, windsurfer, marina, seashell, driftwood).
- Modal Auxiliaries.
o Would (would like (polite reQuest / polite want), would rather (preference), repeated action in the past.
o Might (something not certain, polite reQuest).
o Could (post ability, polite reQuest, suggestion, possibility, improbability).
- Conditionals.
o Would (wishes/dreams/advice), main clause (modal), if clause (subjunctive (past)), to be=were.
o Could (Ability).
o Might.

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