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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the grocery store (durasi: 00:53:04).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (shopping cart, deli, produce section, cashier, cash register, receipt, shelf, aisle, express cashier, stockboy, spices).
- Adjectives (describe noun, ussualy come before noun, sometime after noun).
- Adjective endings.
o Suffixes (ous, al, y, ive, able, ful, less).
- Count & noncount nouns (ideas, emotions, activities, things you can measure, things you can group together).
o Units of measurement (bag, bar, bottle, box, bunch, can/tin, carton, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, dozen, gallon, pint, quart, jar, loaf, package, piece, pound, kilo, roll, stick).
- Participles.
o Present participle= simple form + ing.
o Past participle= simple form + ed.
- quantitatives.
o Expression of quantity (one, each, every, both, a couple of, a few, several, many, a little, much, not any, some, a lot of, most, lots of, all).
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Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
Senin, 10 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 09
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the a musement park (durasi: 00:55:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (amusement park, roller coaster, ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper car, amusement arcade, gondola, spook house, go-cart, pony ride, cotton candy, caramel apples).
- Gerunds.
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (not formal).
o Object.
o Angry about, nervous about, excited about, talk about, interested in, worry about, think about, responsible for).
o Verb (avoid, finish, can't help, imagine, consider, miss, enjoy, spend time).
- Infinitives (to + simple form).
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (formal).
o It + adjective + infinitive.
o Verb (agree, have, decide, hope, fail, manage, forget, seem).
o Object (ask, promise, expect, want, need, would like).
- Use of gerunds and infinitives (begin, like, can't stand, love, continue, prefer, dislike, start, hate).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the a musement park (durasi: 00:55:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (amusement park, roller coaster, ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper car, amusement arcade, gondola, spook house, go-cart, pony ride, cotton candy, caramel apples).
- Gerunds.
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (not formal).
o Object.
o Angry about, nervous about, excited about, talk about, interested in, worry about, think about, responsible for).
o Verb (avoid, finish, can't help, imagine, consider, miss, enjoy, spend time).
- Infinitives (to + simple form).
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (formal).
o It + adjective + infinitive.
o Verb (agree, have, decide, hope, fail, manage, forget, seem).
o Object (ask, promise, expect, want, need, would like).
- Use of gerunds and infinitives (begin, like, can't stand, love, continue, prefer, dislike, start, hate).
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Jumat, 07 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 08
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Crime doesn't pay (durasi: 00:49:37).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (prison, jail, warden, court, prisoner, cell, solitary confinement, murder, murderer, pickpocket, purse snatcher, shoplift, shoplifter, burglar, arson, arsonist, handcuffs, shackles, evidence).
- Conditionals.
o If clause + result clause.
o If + simple present, + simple present/future.
o If + simple present, + would + simple form.
o If + past perfect, + would have + past participle.
o Would, could, might, should.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Crime doesn't pay (durasi: 00:49:37).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (prison, jail, warden, court, prisoner, cell, solitary confinement, murder, murderer, pickpocket, purse snatcher, shoplift, shoplifter, burglar, arson, arsonist, handcuffs, shackles, evidence).
- Conditionals.
o If clause + result clause.
o If + simple present, + simple present/future.
o If + simple present, + would + simple form.
o If + past perfect, + would have + past participle.
o Would, could, might, should.
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Kamis, 06 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 07
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Beach (durasi: 00:44:27).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (dune, beach buggy, sand castle, sand bucket, sand bar, slalom skier, jet ski, wave, surfer, sunbather, chaise longue, tide, windsurfer, marina, seashell, driftwood).
- Modal Auxiliaries.
o Would (would like (polite reQuest / polite want), would rather (preference), repeated action in the past.
o Might (something not certain, polite reQuest).
o Could (post ability, polite reQuest, suggestion, possibility, improbability).
- Conditionals.
o Would (wishes/dreams/advice), main clause (modal), if clause (subjunctive (past)), to be=were.
o Could (Ability).
o Might.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Beach (durasi: 00:44:27).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (dune, beach buggy, sand castle, sand bucket, sand bar, slalom skier, jet ski, wave, surfer, sunbather, chaise longue, tide, windsurfer, marina, seashell, driftwood).
- Modal Auxiliaries.
o Would (would like (polite reQuest / polite want), would rather (preference), repeated action in the past.
o Might (something not certain, polite reQuest).
o Could (post ability, polite reQuest, suggestion, possibility, improbability).
- Conditionals.
o Would (wishes/dreams/advice), main clause (modal), if clause (subjunctive (past)), to be=were.
o Could (Ability).
o Might.
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Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 06
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Circus (durasi: 00:52:05).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (circus, circus tent, circus ring, ringmaster, seal, trapeze, high wire, lion tamer, acrobat, juggler, clown).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o Had (not) + Past Participle.
o Before, never, by then, still, by that time, yet, already, ever.
- To wish.
- Wishes / past tense.
o Wish + subject + Had (not) + Past Participle.
- Hope & Wish.
o Hope: optimism/possibility.
o Wish: impossibility/improbability.
- Conditional Present.
o If, unless + simple present, should, can.
o Unless = If not.
- Conditional Future.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Circus (durasi: 00:52:05).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (circus, circus tent, circus ring, ringmaster, seal, trapeze, high wire, lion tamer, acrobat, juggler, clown).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o Had (not) + Past Participle.
o Before, never, by then, still, by that time, yet, already, ever.
- To wish.
- Wishes / past tense.
o Wish + subject + Had (not) + Past Participle.
- Hope & Wish.
o Hope: optimism/possibility.
o Wish: impossibility/improbability.
- Conditional Present.
o If, unless + simple present, should, can.
o Unless = If not.
- Conditional Future.
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Selasa, 04 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 05
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Hospital (durasi: 00:52:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (pediatrician, gynecologist, geriatrician, orthopedist, podiatrist, optometrist, stethoscope, ultrasound, operation, patient, ambulance).
- Modal Auxiliaries (can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought to).
- Past Modal Auxiliaries.
o Modal + (not) have + past participle.
o Would have = unfulfilled past intention.
o Should have = past advisable action - didn't happen.
o Could have = past possibility/choice.
o Might have = past possibility (maybe something happened).
- Present Perfect Tense (already, ever, just, yet, still).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o had/hadn't + past participle.
o Already, just, rarely, recently, still, yet.
o After, before, by the time, until, when.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Hospital (durasi: 00:52:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (pediatrician, gynecologist, geriatrician, orthopedist, podiatrist, optometrist, stethoscope, ultrasound, operation, patient, ambulance).
- Modal Auxiliaries (can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought to).
- Past Modal Auxiliaries.
o Modal + (not) have + past participle.
o Would have = unfulfilled past intention.
o Should have = past advisable action - didn't happen.
o Could have = past possibility/choice.
o Might have = past possibility (maybe something happened).
- Present Perfect Tense (already, ever, just, yet, still).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o had/hadn't + past participle.
o Already, just, rarely, recently, still, yet.
o After, before, by the time, until, when.
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Senin, 03 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 04
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: On The Farm (durasi: 00:59:10).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (a crop, a seed, to plant, a goat, a calf, a piglet, to milk a cow, a coop, a barn, a silo, grain, a tractor, hay, a pond, .
- Review Modals Auxilliary/Helping Verb.
o Can for ability.
o Can for permission.
o Should (this is a good idea/advise).
o May (in polite question/answer, ask for permission).
o Might (possibility in future or present).
o Must/have to (something is very important/necessary).
o Ought to (something is good idea to do).
o Be able to (to have ability to do something).
o Passive with modal auxilliaries.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: On The Farm (durasi: 00:59:10).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (a crop, a seed, to plant, a goat, a calf, a piglet, to milk a cow, a coop, a barn, a silo, grain, a tractor, hay, a pond, .
- Review Modals Auxilliary/Helping Verb.
o Can for ability.
o Can for permission.
o Should (this is a good idea/advise).
o May (in polite question/answer, ask for permission).
o Might (possibility in future or present).
o Must/have to (something is very important/necessary).
o Ought to (something is good idea to do).
o Be able to (to have ability to do something).
o Passive with modal auxilliaries.
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Minggu, 02 Desember 2012
Timnas Indonesia

Indonesia kalah dr Malaysia pd piala AFF2012, meskipun kecewa tp aku tetap mendukung & menghargai perjuangan Timnas Indonesia, aku cinta Timnas Indonesia ... (lihat disini waktu piala AFF2010, Timnas kalahin Malaysia 5-1.. seru... h h h...)
Siapa yg akan mendukung Timnas kecuali kita ... bagus atau tdk bagus aku akan selalu jd supporter Timnas ... mudah2an dari hari ke hari akan bertambah baik ... ingin melihat paling tdk Timnas Indonesia menjd Macan Asia ...
- Garuda di dadaku (Netral):
Sejak aku SD, PSSI itulah satu2nya Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia kenapa mesti ada yg lain sih, mestinya yg lain itu kan ngga sah tul ngga??? bukankah itu sama aja ada negara dalam negara?? ada2 aja!!! trus kayaknya MenPora mendukung yg bukan PSSI?? jadi bingung!!! kalo PSSI ngga bener yah dibenerin PSSI-nya, kenapa bikin PSSI tandingan?? aneh2 aja!!!
- Bendera (Cokelat):
Kalo aku boleh saran, yang ngurusi sepak bola satu aja, yah PSSI lah ... kalo PSSI-nya ngga bener... yah dibikin bener dong... jangan ada PSSI tandingan segala, dibubarin aja.. ngapain mesti dua2 begitu ...
- Kebyar-kebyar (Cipt: Gombloh):

- Tanah Air (Cipt: Ibu Sud):
Postingan (Atom)