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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the grocery store (durasi: 00:53:04).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (shopping cart, deli, produce section, cashier, cash register, receipt, shelf, aisle, express cashier, stockboy, spices).
- Adjectives (describe noun, ussualy come before noun, sometime after noun).
- Adjective endings.
o Suffixes (ous, al, y, ive, able, ful, less).
- Count & noncount nouns (ideas, emotions, activities, things you can measure, things you can group together).
o Units of measurement (bag, bar, bottle, box, bunch, can/tin, carton, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, dozen, gallon, pint, quart, jar, loaf, package, piece, pound, kilo, roll, stick).
- Participles.
o Present participle= simple form + ing.
o Past participle= simple form + ed.
- quantitatives.
o Expression of quantity (one, each, every, both, a couple of, a few, several, many, a little, much, not any, some, a lot of, most, lots of, all).
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Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
Senin, 10 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 09
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the a musement park (durasi: 00:55:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (amusement park, roller coaster, ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper car, amusement arcade, gondola, spook house, go-cart, pony ride, cotton candy, caramel apples).
- Gerunds.
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (not formal).
o Object.
o Angry about, nervous about, excited about, talk about, interested in, worry about, think about, responsible for).
o Verb (avoid, finish, can't help, imagine, consider, miss, enjoy, spend time).
- Infinitives (to + simple form).
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (formal).
o It + adjective + infinitive.
o Verb (agree, have, decide, hope, fail, manage, forget, seem).
o Object (ask, promise, expect, want, need, would like).
- Use of gerunds and infinitives (begin, like, can't stand, love, continue, prefer, dislike, start, hate).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the a musement park (durasi: 00:55:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (amusement park, roller coaster, ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper car, amusement arcade, gondola, spook house, go-cart, pony ride, cotton candy, caramel apples).
- Gerunds.
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (not formal).
o Object.
o Angry about, nervous about, excited about, talk about, interested in, worry about, think about, responsible for).
o Verb (avoid, finish, can't help, imagine, consider, miss, enjoy, spend time).
- Infinitives (to + simple form).
o Can replace noun or pronoun.
o Subject (formal).
o It + adjective + infinitive.
o Verb (agree, have, decide, hope, fail, manage, forget, seem).
o Object (ask, promise, expect, want, need, would like).
- Use of gerunds and infinitives (begin, like, can't stand, love, continue, prefer, dislike, start, hate).
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Jumat, 07 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 08
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Crime doesn't pay (durasi: 00:49:37).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (prison, jail, warden, court, prisoner, cell, solitary confinement, murder, murderer, pickpocket, purse snatcher, shoplift, shoplifter, burglar, arson, arsonist, handcuffs, shackles, evidence).
- Conditionals.
o If clause + result clause.
o If + simple present, + simple present/future.
o If + simple present, + would + simple form.
o If + past perfect, + would have + past participle.
o Would, could, might, should.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Crime doesn't pay (durasi: 00:49:37).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (prison, jail, warden, court, prisoner, cell, solitary confinement, murder, murderer, pickpocket, purse snatcher, shoplift, shoplifter, burglar, arson, arsonist, handcuffs, shackles, evidence).
- Conditionals.
o If clause + result clause.
o If + simple present, + simple present/future.
o If + simple present, + would + simple form.
o If + past perfect, + would have + past participle.
o Would, could, might, should.
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Kamis, 06 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 07
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Beach (durasi: 00:44:27).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (dune, beach buggy, sand castle, sand bucket, sand bar, slalom skier, jet ski, wave, surfer, sunbather, chaise longue, tide, windsurfer, marina, seashell, driftwood).
- Modal Auxiliaries.
o Would (would like (polite reQuest / polite want), would rather (preference), repeated action in the past.
o Might (something not certain, polite reQuest).
o Could (post ability, polite reQuest, suggestion, possibility, improbability).
- Conditionals.
o Would (wishes/dreams/advice), main clause (modal), if clause (subjunctive (past)), to be=were.
o Could (Ability).
o Might.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Beach (durasi: 00:44:27).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (dune, beach buggy, sand castle, sand bucket, sand bar, slalom skier, jet ski, wave, surfer, sunbather, chaise longue, tide, windsurfer, marina, seashell, driftwood).
- Modal Auxiliaries.
o Would (would like (polite reQuest / polite want), would rather (preference), repeated action in the past.
o Might (something not certain, polite reQuest).
o Could (post ability, polite reQuest, suggestion, possibility, improbability).
- Conditionals.
o Would (wishes/dreams/advice), main clause (modal), if clause (subjunctive (past)), to be=were.
o Could (Ability).
o Might.
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Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 06
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Circus (durasi: 00:52:05).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (circus, circus tent, circus ring, ringmaster, seal, trapeze, high wire, lion tamer, acrobat, juggler, clown).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o Had (not) + Past Participle.
o Before, never, by then, still, by that time, yet, already, ever.
- To wish.
- Wishes / past tense.
o Wish + subject + Had (not) + Past Participle.
- Hope & Wish.
o Hope: optimism/possibility.
o Wish: impossibility/improbability.
- Conditional Present.
o If, unless + simple present, should, can.
o Unless = If not.
- Conditional Future.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Circus (durasi: 00:52:05).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (circus, circus tent, circus ring, ringmaster, seal, trapeze, high wire, lion tamer, acrobat, juggler, clown).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o Had (not) + Past Participle.
o Before, never, by then, still, by that time, yet, already, ever.
- To wish.
- Wishes / past tense.
o Wish + subject + Had (not) + Past Participle.
- Hope & Wish.
o Hope: optimism/possibility.
o Wish: impossibility/improbability.
- Conditional Present.
o If, unless + simple present, should, can.
o Unless = If not.
- Conditional Future.
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Selasa, 04 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 05
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Hospital (durasi: 00:52:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (pediatrician, gynecologist, geriatrician, orthopedist, podiatrist, optometrist, stethoscope, ultrasound, operation, patient, ambulance).
- Modal Auxiliaries (can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought to).
- Past Modal Auxiliaries.
o Modal + (not) have + past participle.
o Would have = unfulfilled past intention.
o Should have = past advisable action - didn't happen.
o Could have = past possibility/choice.
o Might have = past possibility (maybe something happened).
- Present Perfect Tense (already, ever, just, yet, still).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o had/hadn't + past participle.
o Already, just, rarely, recently, still, yet.
o After, before, by the time, until, when.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At The Hospital (durasi: 00:52:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (pediatrician, gynecologist, geriatrician, orthopedist, podiatrist, optometrist, stethoscope, ultrasound, operation, patient, ambulance).
- Modal Auxiliaries (can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought to).
- Past Modal Auxiliaries.
o Modal + (not) have + past participle.
o Would have = unfulfilled past intention.
o Should have = past advisable action - didn't happen.
o Could have = past possibility/choice.
o Might have = past possibility (maybe something happened).
- Present Perfect Tense (already, ever, just, yet, still).
- Past Perfect Tense.
o had/hadn't + past participle.
o Already, just, rarely, recently, still, yet.
o After, before, by the time, until, when.
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Senin, 03 Desember 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 04
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: On The Farm (durasi: 00:59:10).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (a crop, a seed, to plant, a goat, a calf, a piglet, to milk a cow, a coop, a barn, a silo, grain, a tractor, hay, a pond, .
- Review Modals Auxilliary/Helping Verb.
o Can for ability.
o Can for permission.
o Should (this is a good idea/advise).
o May (in polite question/answer, ask for permission).
o Might (possibility in future or present).
o Must/have to (something is very important/necessary).
o Ought to (something is good idea to do).
o Be able to (to have ability to do something).
o Passive with modal auxilliaries.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: On The Farm (durasi: 00:59:10).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (a crop, a seed, to plant, a goat, a calf, a piglet, to milk a cow, a coop, a barn, a silo, grain, a tractor, hay, a pond, .
- Review Modals Auxilliary/Helping Verb.
o Can for ability.
o Can for permission.
o Should (this is a good idea/advise).
o May (in polite question/answer, ask for permission).
o Might (possibility in future or present).
o Must/have to (something is very important/necessary).
o Ought to (something is good idea to do).
o Be able to (to have ability to do something).
o Passive with modal auxilliaries.
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Minggu, 02 Desember 2012
Timnas Indonesia

Indonesia kalah dr Malaysia pd piala AFF2012, meskipun kecewa tp aku tetap mendukung & menghargai perjuangan Timnas Indonesia, aku cinta Timnas Indonesia ... (lihat disini waktu piala AFF2010, Timnas kalahin Malaysia 5-1.. seru... h h h...)
Siapa yg akan mendukung Timnas kecuali kita ... bagus atau tdk bagus aku akan selalu jd supporter Timnas ... mudah2an dari hari ke hari akan bertambah baik ... ingin melihat paling tdk Timnas Indonesia menjd Macan Asia ...
- Garuda di dadaku (Netral):
Sejak aku SD, PSSI itulah satu2nya Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia kenapa mesti ada yg lain sih, mestinya yg lain itu kan ngga sah tul ngga??? bukankah itu sama aja ada negara dalam negara?? ada2 aja!!! trus kayaknya MenPora mendukung yg bukan PSSI?? jadi bingung!!! kalo PSSI ngga bener yah dibenerin PSSI-nya, kenapa bikin PSSI tandingan?? aneh2 aja!!!
- Bendera (Cokelat):
Kalo aku boleh saran, yang ngurusi sepak bola satu aja, yah PSSI lah ... kalo PSSI-nya ngga bener... yah dibikin bener dong... jangan ada PSSI tandingan segala, dibubarin aja.. ngapain mesti dua2 begitu ...
- Kebyar-kebyar (Cipt: Gombloh):

- Tanah Air (Cipt: Ibu Sud):
Jumat, 30 November 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 03
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Space (durasi: 00:59:13).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (astronomy, telescope, nova, constellation, comet, meteor, crater, observatory, UFO, orbit, satellite).
- Passive.
o be + past participle
o transitive verb
o Simple Present Tense.
o Simple Past Tense.
o Present Continuous Tense.
o Present Perfect Tense.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Space (durasi: 00:59:13).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (astronomy, telescope, nova, constellation, comet, meteor, crater, observatory, UFO, orbit, satellite).
- Passive.
o be + past participle
o transitive verb
o Simple Present Tense.
o Simple Past Tense.
o Present Continuous Tense.
o Present Perfect Tense.
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Kamis, 29 November 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 02
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Rock N Roll (durasi: 00:59:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (musical Instruments).
o Drum, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, tambourine, organ, band, microphone.
- Sentence Structure.
o Subject + Verb + Object.
o Direct Object/indirect Object.
o Complements.
- Adjectives.
o Comparative.
o Superlative.
- Adverbs.
- Prepositions.
- Conjunctions (and, so, but, because, etc).
- Pronouns (Subject, Object, Reflexsive, Possesive).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Rock N Roll (durasi: 00:59:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (musical Instruments).
o Drum, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, tambourine, organ, band, microphone.
- Sentence Structure.
o Subject + Verb + Object.
o Direct Object/indirect Object.
o Complements.
- Adjectives.
o Comparative.
o Superlative.
- Adverbs.
- Prepositions.
- Conjunctions (and, so, but, because, etc).
- Pronouns (Subject, Object, Reflexsive, Possesive).
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Rabu, 28 November 2012
English For You - Intermediate Level Lesson 01
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Horor Films (durasi: 00:55:57).
Disini kita belajar: Horror Film-> a film that make us scare or frighten us
- Vocabulary.
o Ghost, monster, vampire, witch, werewolf, seance, cemetery.
- Simple Present Tense.
o Describe events which happen regulary.
o Makes statement of fact.
o Express an opinion.
- Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive Form).
o Describe actions that are taking place at the moment/right now.
o Describe activity in the future.
o Non action verbs/ state verbs: to love, to feel, to need, etc.
- Simple Future Tense.
o To be + going to (future plan/ intention)
o Will (premises, prediction).
- Simple Past Tense.
o Describe actions/situation that began and ended in the past.
- Past Continuous Tense (Past Progressive Form).
o Describe actions/situation that was happening in the recent past/progress in the recent past, during period time in the past.
o Was/were + verb + ing.
- Present Perfect Tense.
o Describe actions/situation that could end unspecified time in the past.
o Describe repeated actions.
o Has/have + past participle (verb III).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Horor Films (durasi: 00:55:57).
Disini kita belajar: Horror Film-> a film that make us scare or frighten us
- Vocabulary.
o Ghost, monster, vampire, witch, werewolf, seance, cemetery.
- Simple Present Tense.
o Describe events which happen regulary.
o Makes statement of fact.
o Express an opinion.
- Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive Form).
o Describe actions that are taking place at the moment/right now.
o Describe activity in the future.
o Non action verbs/ state verbs: to love, to feel, to need, etc.
- Simple Future Tense.
o To be + going to (future plan/ intention)
o Will (premises, prediction).
- Simple Past Tense.
o Describe actions/situation that began and ended in the past.
- Past Continuous Tense (Past Progressive Form).
o Describe actions/situation that was happening in the recent past/progress in the recent past, during period time in the past.
o Was/were + verb + ing.
- Present Perfect Tense.
o Describe actions/situation that could end unspecified time in the past.
o Describe repeated actions.
o Has/have + past participle (verb III).
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Selasa, 27 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 30
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review lesson 19 to 27 (durasi: 00:54:26).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary.
o Ingredients,double dekker bus, concierge.
- Passive.
o The object in the active sentence->the subject in the passive sentence.
o To be + Past Participle (Simple Present & Simple Past).
o Transitive verb used are used in the passive.
o Intransitive verb: to come, to go, to rain, to sit, to sleep.
- Prepositions to show movement: along, over, up, down.
- Polite Question: would, could, can, please.
- Direct Question/Indirect Question (Do you know if...?).
- Gerunds (Ing form of a verb).
o Verb + Gerund.
o Preposition + Gerund.
o Gerund as the subject.
- Another (one more), the other (the last one).
- So(so+auxiliary+S), too(S+auxiliary+too), either(S+auxiliary+either), neither(niether+auxiliary+S).
- Say (we don't have to refer to the listener)/ tell (include the listener).
- Tag Question.
o Main Verb is positive-> Tag Question is negative.
o Main Verb is negative-> Tag Question is positive.
o Let's -> shall we?.
- Simple Present Perfect.
o is used to express an activity that begun at unspecify time in the past..
o Already, yet, just.
- Too much(noncount noun)/ too many(count noun).
- Indirect Question (can you, could you, would you).
- Past Continuous Tense.
o Expresses an activity that was a progress at certain point in the past or at the time of another action).
o Was/were/wasn't/weren't+Ing verb.
- Time Clauses (before, after, until, when, while(continuous tense)).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review lesson 19 to 27 (durasi: 00:54:26).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary.
o Ingredients,double dekker bus, concierge.
- Passive.
o The object in the active sentence->the subject in the passive sentence.
o To be + Past Participle (Simple Present & Simple Past).
o Transitive verb used are used in the passive.
o Intransitive verb: to come, to go, to rain, to sit, to sleep.
- Prepositions to show movement: along, over, up, down.
- Polite Question: would, could, can, please.
- Direct Question/Indirect Question (Do you know if...?).
- Gerunds (Ing form of a verb).
o Verb + Gerund.
o Preposition + Gerund.
o Gerund as the subject.
- Another (one more), the other (the last one).
- So(so+auxiliary+S), too(S+auxiliary+too), either(S+auxiliary+either), neither(niether+auxiliary+S).
- Say (we don't have to refer to the listener)/ tell (include the listener).
- Tag Question.
o Main Verb is positive-> Tag Question is negative.
o Main Verb is negative-> Tag Question is positive.
o Let's -> shall we?.
- Simple Present Perfect.
o is used to express an activity that begun at unspecify time in the past..
o Already, yet, just.
- Too much(noncount noun)/ too many(count noun).
- Indirect Question (can you, could you, would you).
- Past Continuous Tense.
o Expresses an activity that was a progress at certain point in the past or at the time of another action).
o Was/were/wasn't/weren't+Ing verb.
- Time Clauses (before, after, until, when, while(continuous tense)).
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Senin, 26 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 29
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review lesson 10 to 18 (durasi: 00:44:55).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (Casserole, platter, wok).
- Modals-Helping Verb (ability, possibility, suggestion, necessity).
o Can, Should (it's good idea), may, might, must/have to (important/necessary).
- Comparatives (than used between the comparisons)
o Regular (er(1-syllable), more(2+-Syllables), y->ier,).
o Irregular (good-better, bad-worse), more<>less.
- Superlatives (express highest degree)
o Regular (est(1-syllable), most(2+-Syllables), y->iest,),
o Irregular (good- the best, bad-the worse), the most<> the less.
- There is/there are (to express something is exist), can be in negative or question form.
- Some (positives), any (negatives & questions): count/non count nouns.
- Can/would (polite question).
- Imperatives (an order or command)
o Sequence words (show order: first, second, next, finally).
- Simple Past (started and finished in the past)
o Regular (ed), irregular (run- ran, bring- brought, do- did).
o Used to (actions or situations in the past that are no longer true).
- Quantifiers (show quantity/amount).
o Much, little, a lot of, a few, all, most.
- Hope (possibility-reality)/wish (not likely, no/little possibility-not reality)-past tense (to be=were).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review lesson 10 to 18 (durasi: 00:44:55).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (Casserole, platter, wok).
- Modals-Helping Verb (ability, possibility, suggestion, necessity).
o Can, Should (it's good idea), may, might, must/have to (important/necessary).
- Comparatives (than used between the comparisons)
o Regular (er(1-syllable), more(2+-Syllables), y->ier,).
o Irregular (good-better, bad-worse), more<>less.
- Superlatives (express highest degree)
o Regular (est(1-syllable), most(2+-Syllables), y->iest,),
o Irregular (good- the best, bad-the worse), the most<> the less.
- There is/there are (to express something is exist), can be in negative or question form.
- Some (positives), any (negatives & questions): count/non count nouns.
- Can/would (polite question).
- Imperatives (an order or command)
o Sequence words (show order: first, second, next, finally).
- Simple Past (started and finished in the past)
o Regular (ed), irregular (run- ran, bring- brought, do- did).
o Used to (actions or situations in the past that are no longer true).
- Quantifiers (show quantity/amount).
o Much, little, a lot of, a few, all, most.
- Hope (possibility-reality)/wish (not likely, no/little possibility-not reality)-past tense (to be=were).
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Minggu, 25 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 28
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review lesson 1 to 9 (durasi: 00:44:32).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (Video recorder, bow tie, lapel, rehearse).
- What's up?
- Time expression (in, at, on->preposition of time).
- Time expression (around, later, early, until, before, after).
- Preposition of location (in, at, on).
- Preposition of place (close to, far from, in the front of, in the middle of, in the back of, at the top of, at the bottom of).
- Possesive adjectives (my, your, his/her/its, our, their).
- Indirect objects.
o Who, what.
o Give, send, tell, write.
o Buy, get, make.
- Modals (Intent, permission, possibility).
o Can->permission, ability.
o Should->good idea.
o May/might->possibility, permission.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review lesson 1 to 9 (durasi: 00:44:32).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary (Video recorder, bow tie, lapel, rehearse).
- What's up?
- Time expression (in, at, on->preposition of time).
- Time expression (around, later, early, until, before, after).
- Preposition of location (in, at, on).
- Preposition of place (close to, far from, in the front of, in the middle of, in the back of, at the top of, at the bottom of).
- Possesive adjectives (my, your, his/her/its, our, their).
- Indirect objects.
o Who, what.
o Give, send, tell, write.
o Buy, get, make.
- Modals (Intent, permission, possibility).
o Can->permission, ability.
o Should->good idea.
o May/might->possibility, permission.
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Sabtu, 24 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 27
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Celebrations (durasi: 00:41:57).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for celebrations.
o Proposes, diamond ring, enganged, fiancee, fiance, wedding (invitation, ceremony, reception), groom, bride, tuxedo, bridal gown, best man, maid of honor, honeymoon.
o Birthday, candle, blow, Anniversary, Christmas, New Year.
- Present Continuous Tense=Present Progressive (is/are + verb + ing).
o Non actions verb: See, hear, like, love, hate, prefer, know, etc.
- Simple Past Tense (situation that start and end in the past).
- Past Continuous Tense=Past Progressive (was/were + verb + ing).
- Time Clauses (when, while, before, after).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Celebrations (durasi: 00:41:57).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for celebrations.
o Proposes, diamond ring, enganged, fiancee, fiance, wedding (invitation, ceremony, reception), groom, bride, tuxedo, bridal gown, best man, maid of honor, honeymoon.
o Birthday, candle, blow, Anniversary, Christmas, New Year.
- Present Continuous Tense=Present Progressive (is/are + verb + ing).
o Non actions verb: See, hear, like, love, hate, prefer, know, etc.
- Simple Past Tense (situation that start and end in the past).
- Past Continuous Tense=Past Progressive (was/were + verb + ing).
- Time Clauses (when, while, before, after).
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Jumat, 23 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 26
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Transportation (durasi: 00:48:30).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary: city features.
o Village/town, city, subway/metro, skyscrapers, park, square, bank, post office, hospital, police station.
- Count & noncount nouns.
o Article a & an -> count noun.
- Enough.
o Count & noncount nouns.
o Negative: Not enough.
- Too much/ too many.
o Too many-> count nouns.
o Too much-> noncount nouns.
- Indirect questions.
o More polite.
o Could you, would you,can you, do you, etc.
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English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 26
Pelajaran ini berjudul: Transportation (durasi: 00:48:30).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary: city features.
o Village/town, city, subway/metro, skyscrapers, park, square, bank, post office, hospital, police station.
- Count & noncount nouns.
o Article a & an -> count noun.
- Enough.
o Count & noncount nouns.
o Negative: Not enough.
- Too much/ too many.
o Too many-> count nouns.
o Too much-> noncount nouns.
- Indirect questions.
o More polite.
o Could you, would you,can you, do you, etc.
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English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 26
Kamis, 22 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 25
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: The Art (durasi: 00:56:17).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for The art.
o Museum, curator, art gallery, theater, stage, audience, cinema, usher, etc.
- Tag Questions (To do, to be, to have, will/would).
o Let's -> shall we?
o Do/don't do -> will you?
- Simple Past Tense.
- Present Perfect Tense (has/have + past participle).
o Just(a short time ago), already(something happens sooner than expexted), yet(until now->question&negative sentences).
o Gone to, been to.
o Begun in the past and continue until now.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: The Art (durasi: 00:56:17).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for The art.
o Museum, curator, art gallery, theater, stage, audience, cinema, usher, etc.
- Tag Questions (To do, to be, to have, will/would).
o Let's -> shall we?
o Do/don't do -> will you?
- Simple Past Tense.
- Present Perfect Tense (has/have + past participle).
o Just(a short time ago), already(something happens sooner than expexted), yet(until now->question&negative sentences).
o Gone to, been to.
o Begun in the past and continue until now.
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Rabu, 21 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 24
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Talking on the phone (durasi: 00:40:21).
Disini kita belajar:
- Communication.
o Vocabulary (cellular/mobile telephone, cordless telephone, regular telephone, telephone book, telephone booth, phone card, answering machine, operator, picks up, hangs up, )
- Pronunciation.
- Numbers.
- Say(w/o indirect object)& Tell(w/ indirect object).
- Ask (order/request).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Talking on the phone (durasi: 00:40:21).
Disini kita belajar:
- Communication.
o Vocabulary (cellular/mobile telephone, cordless telephone, regular telephone, telephone book, telephone booth, phone card, answering machine, operator, picks up, hangs up, )
- Pronunciation.
- Numbers.
- Say(w/o indirect object)& Tell(w/ indirect object).
- Ask (order/request).
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Selasa, 20 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 23
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What are your job skills? (durasi: 00:51:32).
Disini kita belajar:
- Occupations (abilities and skills).
o Carpenter (hammer, nails, saw, screws, screwdriver), plumber, electrician, veterinarian, janitor (mop, bucket, broom), trainer, seamstress (needle, thread, sewing machine).
o Can (could)/to be able to (ability).
- Present Continuous Tense (action in progress->is/are+verb+ing).
o Non action verbs/state verbs (like, love, hate, want, need, prefer, know, understand, believe, remember, seem, etc).
- Gerund (verb+ing->noun).
o Verb followed by Gerund: be afraid of, be excited about, feel like, be good at, be interested in, thank someone for, be tired of, etc.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What are your job skills? (durasi: 00:51:32).
Disini kita belajar:
- Occupations (abilities and skills).
o Carpenter (hammer, nails, saw, screws, screwdriver), plumber, electrician, veterinarian, janitor (mop, bucket, broom), trainer, seamstress (needle, thread, sewing machine).
o Can (could)/to be able to (ability).
- Present Continuous Tense (action in progress->is/are+verb+ing).
o Non action verbs/state verbs (like, love, hate, want, need, prefer, know, understand, believe, remember, seem, etc).
- Gerund (verb+ing->noun).
o Verb followed by Gerund: be afraid of, be excited about, feel like, be good at, be interested in, thank someone for, be tired of, etc.
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Senin, 19 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 22
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Dining Out (durasi: 00:53:38).
Disini kita belajar:
- Restaurant / recipes.
o Vocabulary (skewer, meat, chicken, fish, shish kebab, paella, lasagna, vegetables, pasta, oven, berbeque, bake, roast, boil, fry, starter, appetizer, main course, dessert, steak, chocolate cake, grilled fish, fruit salad, roast chicken, pizza, ice cream, soup, prawn cocktail, red wine, fruit juice, beer, milk, milkshake, mineral water, ).
- Preferences.
o So, too, either, neither.
o Prefer to (prefer+noun/ gerund+noun/ gerund/ infinitives/ not+infinitives).
o Would rather than (or)/ would rather not.
o Agree with the idea (Me too, so+auxiliary verb+I).
o Negative agreement (I+auxiliary verb+not+either, neither+auxiliary verb+I).
o Agree: Oh!, I do (am, can, have, will, would), Really! I do (am, can, have, will, would).
o Disagree: Oh!, I don't (am not, can't, haven't, won't, wouldn't), Really! I don't (am not, can't, haven't, won't, wouldn't).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Dining Out (durasi: 00:53:38).
Disini kita belajar:
- Restaurant / recipes.
o Vocabulary (skewer, meat, chicken, fish, shish kebab, paella, lasagna, vegetables, pasta, oven, berbeque, bake, roast, boil, fry, starter, appetizer, main course, dessert, steak, chocolate cake, grilled fish, fruit salad, roast chicken, pizza, ice cream, soup, prawn cocktail, red wine, fruit juice, beer, milk, milkshake, mineral water, ).
- Preferences.
o So, too, either, neither.
o Prefer to (prefer+noun/ gerund+noun/ gerund/ infinitives/ not+infinitives).
o Would rather than (or)/ would rather not.
o Agree with the idea (Me too, so+auxiliary verb+I).
o Negative agreement (I+auxiliary verb+not+either, neither+auxiliary verb+I).
o Agree: Oh!, I do (am, can, have, will, would), Really! I do (am, can, have, will, would).
o Disagree: Oh!, I don't (am not, can't, haven't, won't, wouldn't), Really! I don't (am not, can't, haven't, won't, wouldn't).
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Minggu, 18 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 21
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Social Groups (durasi: 00:42:01).
Disini kita belajar:
- Articles (a, an & the).
- Determiners (other, another & the other).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Social Groups (durasi: 00:42:01).
Disini kita belajar:
- Articles (a, an & the).
- Determiners (other, another & the other).
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Sabtu, 17 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 20
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Getting Around (durasi: 00:44:23).
Disini kita belajar:
- Asking polite questions.
o Vacobulary in Hotel (Check in desk, receptionist, restaurant, room key, wake up call, mini Bar, tip, towels, room Service, waiter, porter, luggage, tourist office, chamber Maid)
o Polite questions (Could you ...?, Do you mind ...?, Do you know ...?, Will you ...?, Would you ...?, Can I ...?, Excuse me! Could I/you ...?).
- Getting Arround.
o North, south, east, west, town center, beach, coast, tunnel, around, along, down, over, under, through, opposite).
- Modal Verbs.
o Have to/Must - obligation.
o Should - advise.
o May/might - possibility).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Getting Around (durasi: 00:44:23).
Disini kita belajar:
- Asking polite questions.
o Vacobulary in Hotel (Check in desk, receptionist, restaurant, room key, wake up call, mini Bar, tip, towels, room Service, waiter, porter, luggage, tourist office, chamber Maid)
o Polite questions (Could you ...?, Do you mind ...?, Do you know ...?, Will you ...?, Would you ...?, Can I ...?, Excuse me! Could I/you ...?).
- Getting Arround.
o North, south, east, west, town center, beach, coast, tunnel, around, along, down, over, under, through, opposite).
- Modal Verbs.
o Have to/Must - obligation.
o Should - advise.
o May/might - possibility).
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Jumat, 16 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 19
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: World Knowledge (durasi: 00:57:51).
Disini kita belajar:
- Parts of the verb.
- The passive.
o Vocabulary Noun (cotton, rice, railway, government, a play, century, )
o Vocabulary Verb (to protect, to grow, to compare, government, a play, century, )
o Past Participle (V3).
o If the sentence starts with the subject of the action, the sentence is active, and if the sentence starts with the object of the action, the sentence is passive.
o Transitive Verb (has an object)
o InTransitive Verb (doesn't have an object), egree, happen, stay, die, sit, walk, sleep, snow, arrive, fall, etc.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: World Knowledge (durasi: 00:57:51).
Disini kita belajar:
- Parts of the verb.
- The passive.
o Vocabulary Noun (cotton, rice, railway, government, a play, century, )
o Vocabulary Verb (to protect, to grow, to compare, government, a play, century, )
o Past Participle (V3).
o If the sentence starts with the subject of the action, the sentence is active, and if the sentence starts with the object of the action, the sentence is passive.
o Transitive Verb (has an object)
o InTransitive Verb (doesn't have an object), egree, happen, stay, die, sit, walk, sleep, snow, arrive, fall, etc.
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Kamis, 15 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 18
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: I Wish Upon a Star (durasi: 00:50:09).
Disini kita belajar:
- Hopes & Wishes
o Might happen.
o Might not happen/ imagenary situation.
- Conecting words (but(contrast), and(add'l information), so(results), because(reasons)).
- Compound Sentence.
- Complex Sentence (dependent clause=subordinate clause)
Wish on the star
Star light, star bright
I wish, I may
I wish, I might
Have the wish, I wish tonight
I wish I could travel around the world happily.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: I Wish Upon a Star (durasi: 00:50:09).
Disini kita belajar:
- Hopes & Wishes
o Might happen.
o Might not happen/ imagenary situation.
- Conecting words (but(contrast), and(add'l information), so(results), because(reasons)).
- Compound Sentence.
- Complex Sentence (dependent clause=subordinate clause)
Wish on the star
Star light, star bright
I wish, I may
I wish, I might
Have the wish, I wish tonight
I wish I could travel around the world happily.
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Rabu, 14 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 17
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Future Life (durasi: 00:50:09).
Disini kita belajar:
- Space & Technology.
o Will & Going to (invent new machines, discover medicines, live on the moon, use internet, clone people & animal, travel to other planet)
o Plan/Intention, prediction, promise, decision at time of speaking, polite question, certain future,etc (Present Future Tense).
o Soon, (later) this afternoon, (later) this evening, this weekend, tonight, tomorrow, next week, in a couple of days, in a week, within 1 day, one day, etc (Present Future Tense).
o Scientist, science, space station, invention, machine, discovery, medicine, space travel, robot, astronaut, planet, satellite, etc (vocabulary)
- Noun.
o Countable noun: nouns that can be counted (this noun can be plural (regular/irregular)).
o Uncountable noun: nouns that can't be counted (space, traffic, fuel, water, air, information etc).
o All, most, a lot of/lots of, many/much, some/any, a few/a little, few/little, none/no one (vocabulary).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Future Life (durasi: 00:50:09).
Disini kita belajar:
- Space & Technology.
o Will & Going to (invent new machines, discover medicines, live on the moon, use internet, clone people & animal, travel to other planet)
o Plan/Intention, prediction, promise, decision at time of speaking, polite question, certain future,etc (Present Future Tense).
o Soon, (later) this afternoon, (later) this evening, this weekend, tonight, tomorrow, next week, in a couple of days, in a week, within 1 day, one day, etc (Present Future Tense).
o Scientist, science, space station, invention, machine, discovery, medicine, space travel, robot, astronaut, planet, satellite, etc (vocabulary)
- Noun.
o Countable noun: nouns that can be counted (this noun can be plural (regular/irregular)).
o Uncountable noun: nouns that can't be counted (space, traffic, fuel, water, air, information etc).
o All, most, a lot of/lots of, many/much, some/any, a few/a little, few/little, none/no one (vocabulary).
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Selasa, 13 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 16
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Past Experiences (durasi: 00:50:53).
Disini kita belajar:
- Past Experiences.
o Last month, last year, two years ago, in 1990, a long time ago, at 3 o'clock.
o Simple past pronunciation (sound: d, et, id).
o Simple past regular verb ends with e - add d, y after consonant - add with ied, y after a vowell - add ed, consonant after a vowell - double the consonant + ed.
o Simple past irregular verb (am/is/are - was/were, read - read, hear - heard, see - saw, write - wrote, catch - caught, etc).
o Yes/no question, information question about the action (verb), information question about subject (he/she/it).
o Used to - thing we did in the past (habits, routine) that we don't do any longer (used to + verb, didn't use to + verb).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Past Experiences (durasi: 00:50:53).
Disini kita belajar:
- Past Experiences.
o Last month, last year, two years ago, in 1990, a long time ago, at 3 o'clock.
o Simple past pronunciation (sound: d, et, id).
o Simple past regular verb ends with e - add d, y after consonant - add with ied, y after a vowell - add ed, consonant after a vowell - double the consonant + ed.
o Simple past irregular verb (am/is/are - was/were, read - read, hear - heard, see - saw, write - wrote, catch - caught, etc).
o Yes/no question, information question about the action (verb), information question about subject (he/she/it).
o Used to - thing we did in the past (habits, routine) that we don't do any longer (used to + verb, didn't use to + verb).
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Senin, 12 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 15
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Do This (durasi: 00:55:27).
Disini kita belajar:
- Imperatives.
o Instructions, orders, directions, advice, polite request.
- Imperatives & sequence words.
o First instruction (first).
o Following instructions (then, next, after that (second, third, fourth, etc).
o Final instruction (finally/lastly).
o Sequence word + imperative verb + object.
- Intructions for devices.
o For + verb+ing = To + verb.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Do This (durasi: 00:55:27).
Disini kita belajar:
- Imperatives.
o Instructions, orders, directions, advice, polite request.
- Imperatives & sequence words.
o First instruction (first).
o Following instructions (then, next, after that (second, third, fourth, etc).
o Final instruction (finally/lastly).
o Sequence word + imperative verb + object.
- Intructions for devices.
o For + verb+ing = To + verb.
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Rabu, 07 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 14
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the Station (durasi: 01:08:14).
Disini kita belajar:
- At the station.
o Take off, land, pilot, plane, runaway, flight attendance, ticket, inline, departure gate, platform, passangers, seat, passport, duty free shop, boarding pass.
- Question words.
o Where (ask about place), when (about time), who (about person), why (about reason), what (about time, place or object).
o Is there/are there, isn'there/aren't there, can, could, may (ask permission), can't, couldn't, would, will (polite question), would you like (invite).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At the Station (durasi: 01:08:14).
Disini kita belajar:
- At the station.
o Take off, land, pilot, plane, runaway, flight attendance, ticket, inline, departure gate, platform, passangers, seat, passport, duty free shop, boarding pass.
- Question words.
o Where (ask about place), when (about time), who (about person), why (about reason), what (about time, place or object).
o Is there/are there, isn'there/aren't there, can, could, may (ask permission), can't, couldn't, would, will (polite question), would you like (invite).
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Selasa, 06 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 13
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At home (durasi: 01:10:01).
Disini kita belajar:
- Furniture.
o At home: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room.
- There is/there are.
- Some & any.
- Adjectives (describe nouns) & adverbs (describe verbs).
o Good is an adjective, well is an adverb.
o Adverbs of frequency (rarely, never, ussually etc).
- As ....... as.
o As + adjective + as.
o As + Adverb + as.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At home (durasi: 01:10:01).
Disini kita belajar:
- Furniture.
o At home: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room.
- There is/there are.
- Some & any.
- Adjectives (describe nouns) & adverbs (describe verbs).
o Good is an adjective, well is an adverb.
o Adverbs of frequency (rarely, never, ussually etc).
- As ....... as.
o As + adjective + as.
o As + Adverb + as.
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Senin, 05 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 12
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What is the tallest mountain? (durasi: 01:08:14).
Disini kita belajar:
- Comparatives (er/ier, more/less, than).
- Superlatives (est/iest, most/least, the).
- Irregular Comparatives/Superlatives.
o Far, farther/futher, farthest/furthest.
o Good, better, best.
o Bad, worse, worst.
o Friendly, friendlier/more friendly, friendliest/most friendly.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What is the tallest mountain? (durasi: 01:08:14).
Disini kita belajar:
- Comparatives (er/ier, more/less, than).
- Superlatives (est/iest, most/least, the).
- Irregular Comparatives/Superlatives.
o Far, farther/futher, farthest/furthest.
o Good, better, best.
o Bad, worse, worst.
o Friendly, friendlier/more friendly, friendliest/most friendly.
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Minggu, 04 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 11
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: He is Taller Than I am (durasi: 01:02:11).
Disini kita belajar:
- Adjectives.
o Adjectives describe a noun.
o Adjectives can change the meaning of the noun.
o Adjectives are not singular or plural.
o Adjectives are usually come before nouns, sometimes come after the verb 'to be'.
- Comparatives (than, +er/+ier, less/more).
o Angry, friendly.
- Syllables (part of word).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: He is Taller Than I am (durasi: 01:02:11).
Disini kita belajar:
- Adjectives.
o Adjectives describe a noun.
o Adjectives can change the meaning of the noun.
o Adjectives are not singular or plural.
o Adjectives are usually come before nouns, sometimes come after the verb 'to be'.
- Comparatives (than, +er/+ier, less/more).
o Angry, friendly.
- Syllables (part of word).
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Sabtu, 03 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 10
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What's for Dinner? (durasi: 00:53:36).
Disini kita belajar:
- May & Might.
o Vocabulary (silverware (knife, spoon, fork), dishes (plate, glass, bowl), napkin, salt & pepper shakers, pots & pans, waiter/waitress, cook, chef).
- Modal verb: had better, had better not.
- Modal verb: must & have to.
- Modal verb: has to & have to.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What's for Dinner? (durasi: 00:53:36).
Disini kita belajar:
- May & Might.
o Vocabulary (silverware (knife, spoon, fork), dishes (plate, glass, bowl), napkin, salt & pepper shakers, pots & pans, waiter/waitress, cook, chef).
- Modal verb: had better, had better not.
- Modal verb: must & have to.
- Modal verb: has to & have to.
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Jumat, 02 November 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 9
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Listen to the Music (durasi: 01:00:40).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for music.
o Musical Instrument (guitar, piano, organ, saxaphone, trumpet, flute, violin, drum).
o To play music (cd player, cassette player, cd, cassette, tape, stereo).
o Musical event (concert, opera, theater, musical, symphony).
- Modal verb: should.
- Modal verbs: may (polite questions/answers) & might/maybe (fifty-fifty possibility).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Listen to the Music (durasi: 01:00:40).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for music.
o Musical Instrument (guitar, piano, organ, saxaphone, trumpet, flute, violin, drum).
o To play music (cd player, cassette player, cd, cassette, tape, stereo).
o Musical event (concert, opera, theater, musical, symphony).
- Modal verb: should.
- Modal verbs: may (polite questions/answers) & might/maybe (fifty-fifty possibility).
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Kamis, 01 November 2012
Chelsea 5-4 Man Utd (Capital One Cup 2012/13)
Pertandingan antara Chelsea dan Manchester United tgl 31Okt2012 ini seru banget gol nya banyak, score akhirnya 5-4 untuk kemenangan Chelsea, lihat videonya ini:
Para pencetak golnya adalah: Chelsea (David Luiz, Gary Cahill, Eden Hazard, Daniel Sturridge, Ramires), Manchester United (Ryan Giggs, Javier Hernandez, Luis Nani, Ryan Giggs).
Dengan kekalahan ini MU tersingkir dari Piala Liga ...
Para pencetak golnya adalah: Chelsea (David Luiz, Gary Cahill, Eden Hazard, Daniel Sturridge, Ramires), Manchester United (Ryan Giggs, Javier Hernandez, Luis Nani, Ryan Giggs).
Dengan kekalahan ini MU tersingkir dari Piala Liga ...
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 8
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Activities (durasi: 00:53:55).
Disini kita belajar:
- Activities
o Basket ball, base ball, foot ball, volley ball, hockey, karate, swimming, skiing, badminton.
o Playing chess, playing backgammen, playing board game, going to a disco, going to a museum, going to art museum, going to the theater, sledding.
- Can for ability.
- Can for permission.
- Pronunciation.
- Modal verb/ should (it's a good idea to do something).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Activities (durasi: 00:53:55).
Disini kita belajar:
- Activities
o Basket ball, base ball, foot ball, volley ball, hockey, karate, swimming, skiing, badminton.
o Playing chess, playing backgammen, playing board game, going to a disco, going to a museum, going to art museum, going to the theater, sledding.
- Can for ability.
- Can for permission.
- Pronunciation.
- Modal verb/ should (it's a good idea to do something).
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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 7
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Did you buy this for me? (durasi: 00:56:12).
Disini kita belajar:
- Pronouns.
o Subject pronouns (doing the actions).
o Object pronouns (receiver of the actions).
o Possessive adjectives (always followed by noun).
o Possessive Pronouns (talking about ownership, don't need noun after).
o Reflexive pronouns (refer back to the subject, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves).
- Direct & Indirect Objects.
- Phrasal Verbs (hang up, switch/turn on/off, turn up/down, hand out/in, give up, turn over, get up).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Did you buy this for me? (durasi: 00:56:12).
Disini kita belajar:
- Pronouns.
o Subject pronouns (doing the actions).
o Object pronouns (receiver of the actions).
o Possessive adjectives (always followed by noun).
o Possessive Pronouns (talking about ownership, don't need noun after).
o Reflexive pronouns (refer back to the subject, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves).
- Direct & Indirect Objects.
- Phrasal Verbs (hang up, switch/turn on/off, turn up/down, hand out/in, give up, turn over, get up).
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Senin, 29 Oktober 2012
Putri Harum dan Kaisar (Pedang dan Kitab Suci/ Su Kiam in Sui Lok)

Kisah Tan Keh Lok, murid Thian-ti Koayhiap Wan Su Siau, yg tinggal di daerah Hwee, hrs menggantikan ayah angkatnya utk menjd ketua HONG HWA HWE sebuah perkumpulan menentang Kerajaan Ceng yg dipimpin oleh 14 bersaudara (angkat)... Bun Thay Lay(4), pemimpin ke-4 ditangkap karena mengetahui rahasia kaisar Kian Liong, ketika akan membebaskannya, bertemu dg Hwe Ceng Tong, putri Bok To Lun, murid Thian San Siang Eng (Ceng Tik & Kwan Bing Bwe) dan membantunya merebut kitab... terjd kesalah pahaman diantara mrk, shg kemudian Keh Lok bertemu adiknya Ceng Tong, Hiang Hiang (Putri Harum) ... Bun Thay Lay kemudian dpt diselamatkan .... Rahasia Kaisar Kian Liong adalah ternyata bahwa dia bangsa Han dan kakak seibu dari Keh Lok... Kian Long menyukai Hiang2 dan memerangi suku itu utk membawanya... Hiang2 bunuh diri utk menyelamatkan Keh Lok... ada juga cerita Bu-cu-kat Chi Thian Hong(7) dan Ciu Ki, putri Thiat-tan Ciu Tiong Ing yg lucu ... Kim-tiok siucay Hi Tong(14) dan Li Wan Ci, putri panglima Ceng-Li Khik Siu, murid Bian-li-ciam Liok Hwi Hing (suhengnya Thio Ciauw Cong) juga lucu ...para penjahatnya: Kian Liong akhirnya selamat ... Pek Cin (pengawal Kaisar) bunuh diri ... Thio Ciauw Cong jd santapan serigala lapar ... Sim Hi, pelayan Keh Lok diangkat jd saudara ke-15 ... Thian San Siang Eng, keduanya meninggal ... Si Bongkok Ciang Cin(10) meninggal ketika menyerbu istana ... Pemimpin2 HHH yg lain Cwi-hun toh-beng-kiam Bu Tim tojin(2), Jian-pi-ji-lay Tio pan san(3), Sechwan Siang Hiap (Siang Hek Ci(5) & Siang Pek Ci(6)), Thiat-ta Nyo Seng Hiap(8), Kiu-beng kim-pao-cu Wi Jun Hwa(9), Wan-yang-to Lou ping(11), istri Bun Thay Lay, Thong thao-ngo-hie Ciang Su Kin(12), Kui-kiam-chiu Ciok Siang Ing(13).
Read online dibawah ini: Jilid 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-37 Tamat.
Kisah ini sdh bbrp kali difilm-kan dan dibuat drama serinya, lebih lengkap di-wiki.

Salah satunya dibuat oleh China th2008, aku nonton di Youtube (40Eps).
Download film: Ep 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.
Indonesia Jaya-Harvey M
Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 6
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Shopping (durasi: 00:50:40).
Disini kita belajar:
- Clothing.
o Blouse, boots, coat, dress, jeans, nightgoun, pajamas, pants, shirt, shoes, skirt, slacks, socks, suit, sweater, t-shirt, turtleneck shirt, tuxedo, underwear.
o Accesorries (belt, necklace, bracelet, earrings, gloves, hat, ring, scarf, tie, wristwatch/watch).
o Feet (shoes, socks, boots), legs (slacks, skirt, pants, underwear), whole body (nightgoun, pajamas, tuxedo, dress), upper body (turtleneck shirt, shirt, sweater, coat, t-shirt, blouse), neck (scarf, tie, necklace), hands/arm (ring, bracelet, gloves, watch), head (hat, earrings), waist (belts).
- Pronouns & possissive adjectives.
o Subject pronouns (I, you, she/he/it, we, they)
o Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them).
o Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs).
o Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Shopping (durasi: 00:50:40).
Disini kita belajar:
- Clothing.
o Blouse, boots, coat, dress, jeans, nightgoun, pajamas, pants, shirt, shoes, skirt, slacks, socks, suit, sweater, t-shirt, turtleneck shirt, tuxedo, underwear.
o Accesorries (belt, necklace, bracelet, earrings, gloves, hat, ring, scarf, tie, wristwatch/watch).
o Feet (shoes, socks, boots), legs (slacks, skirt, pants, underwear), whole body (nightgoun, pajamas, tuxedo, dress), upper body (turtleneck shirt, shirt, sweater, coat, t-shirt, blouse), neck (scarf, tie, necklace), hands/arm (ring, bracelet, gloves, watch), head (hat, earrings), waist (belts).
- Pronouns & possissive adjectives.
o Subject pronouns (I, you, she/he/it, we, they)
o Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them).
o Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs).
o Possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their).
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Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 5
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Location (durasi: 00:55:48).
Disini kita belajar:
- Prepositions.
o Prepositions of time (in, on, at).
o Prepositions of place (in, at, on).
o Prepositions of place (far away from, far from, close to).
o Prepositions of place (in the front of, in the middle of, in the back of).
o Prepositions of place (at the top of, at the bottom of).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Location (durasi: 00:55:48).
Disini kita belajar:
- Prepositions.
o Prepositions of time (in, on, at).
o Prepositions of place (in, at, on).
o Prepositions of place (far away from, far from, close to).
o Prepositions of place (in the front of, in the middle of, in the back of).
o Prepositions of place (at the top of, at the bottom of).
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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 4
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At school (durasi: 01:00:00).
Disini kita belajar:
- School/Nouns.
o Vocabulary (elementary School, high scgool, university, class, class room, play ground, sports ground, teacher, student, book, pen, pencil, eraser, desk, chair, board, computer).
- School/Subjects.
o English, math, science, history, geography, sports, art, music, computer.
o Study, learn, teach, listen, speak, read, write, work, play, sing, draw.
- Time.
o Time expression.
o What time = When.
- Time Expression.
o Sentence structure (S + V + O + time expression).
o Around, early, late, until, before, after.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: At school (durasi: 01:00:00).
Disini kita belajar:
- School/Nouns.
o Vocabulary (elementary School, high scgool, university, class, class room, play ground, sports ground, teacher, student, book, pen, pencil, eraser, desk, chair, board, computer).
- School/Subjects.
o English, math, science, history, geography, sports, art, music, computer.
o Study, learn, teach, listen, speak, read, write, work, play, sing, draw.
- Time.
o Time expression.
o What time = When.
- Time Expression.
o Sentence structure (S + V + O + time expression).
o Around, early, late, until, before, after.
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Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 3
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Entertaining (durasi: 00:43:36).
Disini kita belajar:
- Introduction.
o Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
o Prof, Dr, King, Queen, President, Prince/Princess.
- Small Talk.
o Question Words.
- Present Continuous Tense.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Entertaining (durasi: 00:43:36).
Disini kita belajar:
- Introduction.
o Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
o Prof, Dr, King, Queen, President, Prince/Princess.
- Small Talk.
o Question Words.
- Present Continuous Tense.
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Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 2
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Special days (durasi: 01:03:29).
Disini kita belajar:
- Days of the Week.
- Months of the Year.
- Seasons.
- Prepositions of Time (at, on, in).
o At (the time of day)
o On (days, dates).
o In (months, seasons, years).
- Holidays (halloween, thanksgiving, christmas).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Special days (durasi: 01:03:29).
Disini kita belajar:
- Days of the Week.
- Months of the Year.
- Seasons.
- Prepositions of Time (at, on, in).
o At (the time of day)
o On (days, dates).
o In (months, seasons, years).
- Holidays (halloween, thanksgiving, christmas).
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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012
English For You - Elementary Level Lesson 1
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Welcome (durasi: 01:00:54).
Disini kita review pelajaran lowest level:
- To be.
o Positive, negative, question.
- Cardinal & Ordinal Numbers.
o Height (centimeters or inches), how tall are you?
o weight (kilograms or pounds), how much do you weigh?
- Possessive Adjectives.
- Simple Present Tense (fact).
o Irregular verb (to have, to do).
o Helping verb.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Welcome (durasi: 01:00:54).
Disini kita review pelajaran lowest level:
- To be.
o Positive, negative, question.
- Cardinal & Ordinal Numbers.
o Height (centimeters or inches), how tall are you?
o weight (kilograms or pounds), how much do you weigh?
- Possessive Adjectives.
- Simple Present Tense (fact).
o Irregular verb (to have, to do).
o Helping verb.
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Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 30
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review III (Lessons 19 to 27) (durasi: 00:43:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Simple past tense.
- Invitations.
- Future.
o Present continuous tense (very close future).
o Be going to V (decision for the future/prediction).
o Will (opinion about future, we know are going to happen).
- Places.
o Oceans, seas, rivers, deserts.
- Transportation.
o Air (plane, jet, balloon, parachute, glider).
o Land (bicycle, motorcycle, car, taxi, tram, train).
o Water (ship, ferry, tanker, fishing boat, cruise ship).
- Indefinite pronoun.
- Can/be able to.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review III (Lessons 19 to 27) (durasi: 00:43:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Simple past tense.
- Invitations.
- Future.
o Present continuous tense (very close future).
o Be going to V (decision for the future/prediction).
o Will (opinion about future, we know are going to happen).
- Places.
o Oceans, seas, rivers, deserts.
- Transportation.
o Air (plane, jet, balloon, parachute, glider).
o Land (bicycle, motorcycle, car, taxi, tram, train).
o Water (ship, ferry, tanker, fishing boat, cruise ship).
- Indefinite pronoun.
- Can/be able to.
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Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 29
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review II (Lessons 10 to 18 (durasi: 00:58:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Time.
o Prepositions (at, on, in)
o Ordinal numbers.
o Seasons/weather (adjectives/present continuous tense).
- Simple present (habits, routines, facts).
- Present continuous tense(action now).
- The body.
- Places.
o Prepositions (at(special places/two lines meet), on(flat surfaces/lines), in(general/large places).
o There is/there are.
- Article.
o A/an (countable noun).
o The (specific person, places, etc).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review II (Lessons 10 to 18 (durasi: 00:58:20).
Disini kita belajar:
- Time.
o Prepositions (at, on, in)
o Ordinal numbers.
o Seasons/weather (adjectives/present continuous tense).
- Simple present (habits, routines, facts).
- Present continuous tense(action now).
- The body.
- Places.
o Prepositions (at(special places/two lines meet), on(flat surfaces/lines), in(general/large places).
o There is/there are.
- Article.
o A/an (countable noun).
o The (specific person, places, etc).
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Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 28
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review I (Lessons 1 to 9) (durasi: 00:43:48).
Disini kita belajar:
- Introduce yourself.
o What's your name?
o How do you spell it?
o Where are you from?
o Do you speak english?
o Where do you live?
o What is your phone number?
o How old are you?
- To know more about each other.
o What do you do?
o Where do you work?
- Countries, nationalities, languages.
- Families.
o Woman: mother, daughter, aunt, neece, cousin, grandmother etc.
o Man: father, nephew, son, husband, uncle, cousin, grandfather, etc.
- Work places (office, store, hospital, street, restaurant, car/bus, tourist places, plane, ship, studio, bar, hotel, etc).
- Articles (a/an - general, the - special).
- To be.
- Sentence structure (S + V + O, positive, negative, short negative, question).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Review I (Lessons 1 to 9) (durasi: 00:43:48).
Disini kita belajar:
- Introduce yourself.
o What's your name?
o How do you spell it?
o Where are you from?
o Do you speak english?
o Where do you live?
o What is your phone number?
o How old are you?
- To know more about each other.
o What do you do?
o Where do you work?
- Countries, nationalities, languages.
- Families.
o Woman: mother, daughter, aunt, neece, cousin, grandmother etc.
o Man: father, nephew, son, husband, uncle, cousin, grandfather, etc.
- Work places (office, store, hospital, street, restaurant, car/bus, tourist places, plane, ship, studio, bar, hotel, etc).
- Articles (a/an - general, the - special).
- To be.
- Sentence structure (S + V + O, positive, negative, short negative, question).
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Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 27
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: I don't know (durasi: 01:00:09).
Disini kita belajar:
- Indefinite pronouns.
o Every (+/-/?).
o Some (+).
o Any (-/?).
o No (-).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: I don't know (durasi: 01:00:09).
Disini kita belajar:
- Indefinite pronouns.
o Every (+/-/?).
o Some (+).
o Any (-/?).
o No (-).
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Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 26
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Ask me a question?(durasi: 01:03:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Question words.
o Who - person.
o What - things/actions.
o When - time.
o Where - location/place.
o Which - choice.
o Whose - possesion.
o Why - reasons.
o How - way, state of being.
o How far - distance.
o How long - measurement, time.
o What time - when.
o How much - uncountable nouns.
o How many - countable nouns.
- Sentence structure.
o Regular (question word + (helping)verb + subject + (main)verb ?).
o Yes/No question ((helping)verb + subject + (main)verb ?).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Ask me a question?(durasi: 01:03:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Question words.
o Who - person.
o What - things/actions.
o When - time.
o Where - location/place.
o Which - choice.
o Whose - possesion.
o Why - reasons.
o How - way, state of being.
o How far - distance.
o How long - measurement, time.
o What time - when.
o How much - uncountable nouns.
o How many - countable nouns.
- Sentence structure.
o Regular (question word + (helping)verb + subject + (main)verb ?).
o Yes/No question ((helping)verb + subject + (main)verb ?).
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Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 24
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: How do you travel?(durasi: 01:03:40).
Disini kita belajar:
- Transportation Words.
o Noun (airplane (plane), balloon, boat, bicycle (bike), bus, car, ferry, helicopter, motorcycle, ship, taxi, train, tram (streetcar), etc.)
o Prepositions (at (a point), in (an enclosed space), on (surface), by).
- Simple Past Tense.
o Regular Verbs (+ed).
o Irregular Verbs.
o Did (Helping Verb/Auxiliary Verb).
o Prepositions (in, on).
- Transportation Words.
o People in charge (captain, conductor, driver, pilot, rider).
o Leaving & arriving (airport, departure lounge, dock, platform, port, station).
o What travellers carry (baggage/luggage, boarding pass, passport, ticket(one way(single)/return).
o Others (highway, street, traffic).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: How do you travel?(durasi: 01:03:40).
Disini kita belajar:
- Transportation Words.
o Noun (airplane (plane), balloon, boat, bicycle (bike), bus, car, ferry, helicopter, motorcycle, ship, taxi, train, tram (streetcar), etc.)
o Prepositions (at (a point), in (an enclosed space), on (surface), by).
- Simple Past Tense.
o Regular Verbs (+ed).
o Irregular Verbs.
o Did (Helping Verb/Auxiliary Verb).
o Prepositions (in, on).
- Transportation Words.
o People in charge (captain, conductor, driver, pilot, rider).
o Leaving & arriving (airport, departure lounge, dock, platform, port, station).
o What travellers carry (baggage/luggage, boarding pass, passport, ticket(one way(single)/return).
o Others (highway, street, traffic).
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Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Tangga (Group Musik)

Pertama denger lagunya "Cinta tak mungkin berhenti" jd Ost FTV judulnya lupa... lalu searching ... mrk sdh mengeluarkan bbrp album yaitu :
- Tangga (2005)
- Cinta Begini (2007)
- Ost. Lost in Love (2008).
Bulan Agustus lalu mrk meluncurkan album ke-4, beritanya
Bbrp lagunya sbb:
- Cinta tak mungkin berhenti
- Sephia
- Utuh
- Kesempatan kedua
- Cinta Begini
- Hebat
- Terbaik Untukmu
Lirik lagu dan berita2nya ada disini.
Senin, 15 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 23
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: My Vacation (durasi: 00:53:28).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vacation.
o Simple Future Tense (will/shall, going to, to be verb+ing)
o Vocabulary (park, picnic, trip, barberque, postcard, baggage/lugage, passport, sports, camera, etc.)
o Articles (a, an, the)
- Geographical Features.
o Vocabulary (lake, sea, ocean, river, waterfall, hill, mountain, valley, cave, desert, island, forest, etc.).
- Landmarks.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: My Vacation (durasi: 00:53:28).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vacation.
o Simple Future Tense (will/shall, going to, to be verb+ing)
o Vocabulary (park, picnic, trip, barberque, postcard, baggage/lugage, passport, sports, camera, etc.)
o Articles (a, an, the)
- Geographical Features.
o Vocabulary (lake, sea, ocean, river, waterfall, hill, mountain, valley, cave, desert, island, forest, etc.).
- Landmarks.
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Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 22
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Would you like to go (durasi: 01:10:10).
Disini kita belajar:
- Pronouns.
o Direct/Indirect object
- Invitations.
o Would you care to go ...? (formal)
o Would you care to join me for ...? (formal)
o Would you care to meet me for ..? (formal)
o You're invited to ... (formal)
o I'd like to invite you to ... (formal)
o Would you like to go ...? (less formal)
o Let's go ... (casual)
o How about going ...? (casual)
o Do you want to ...? (casual)
- Polite Questions and Excuses.
- Other Polite Expressions.
o I'm sorry, excuse me, pardon me ...
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Would you like to go (durasi: 01:10:10).
Disini kita belajar:
- Pronouns.
o Direct/Indirect object
- Invitations.
o Would you care to go ...? (formal)
o Would you care to join me for ...? (formal)
o Would you care to meet me for ..? (formal)
o You're invited to ... (formal)
o I'd like to invite you to ... (formal)
o Would you like to go ...? (less formal)
o Let's go ... (casual)
o How about going ...? (casual)
o Do you want to ...? (casual)
- Polite Questions and Excuses.
- Other Polite Expressions.
o I'm sorry, excuse me, pardon me ...
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Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 21
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What are you going to do (durasi: 00:57:54).
Disini kita belajar: Finding it!
- Direction words.
o Where is the ...?
o How can I find the ...?
o Preposition (in, on, at).
o Across from (opposite), next to, at (on) the corner of, on (in) a street, up the street, down the street, along the street.
o Simple Past Tense.
- Reading a map.
o Turn, straight ahead, on the left, on the right, turn around.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What are you going to do (durasi: 00:57:54).
Disini kita belajar: Finding it!
- Direction words.
o Where is the ...?
o How can I find the ...?
o Preposition (in, on, at).
o Across from (opposite), next to, at (on) the corner of, on (in) a street, up the street, down the street, along the street.
o Simple Past Tense.
- Reading a map.
o Turn, straight ahead, on the left, on the right, turn around.
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Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 18
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: I'm hungry! (durasi: 01:06:57).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for food.
o Breakfast (Toast, sausages, cereals, omelettes, eggs, fried potatoes, yogurt, etc).
o Lunch (bread, soup, sandwich, humberger, salad, etc).
o Dinner (potatoes, rice, salad, dessert etc).
o Fruit, vegetables, legumes, protein, bread, dairy, oil, drinks, dessert.
- Count/non-Count Nouns.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: I'm hungry! (durasi: 01:06:57).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for food.
o Breakfast (Toast, sausages, cereals, omelettes, eggs, fried potatoes, yogurt, etc).
o Lunch (bread, soup, sandwich, humberger, salad, etc).
o Dinner (potatoes, rice, salad, dessert etc).
o Fruit, vegetables, legumes, protein, bread, dairy, oil, drinks, dessert.
- Count/non-Count Nouns.
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Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 17
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Tell me about your furniture (durasi: 00:54:42).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for furniture.
o Prepositions (on, under, in front of, above, behind, beside(next to), in.between, over)
o Present Continuos Tense (What are they doing?, Where are they?).
- Pronunciation (long o).
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Tell me about your furniture (durasi: 00:54:42).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for furniture.
o Prepositions (on, under, in front of, above, behind, beside(next to), in.between, over)
o Present Continuos Tense (What are they doing?, Where are they?).
- Pronunciation (long o).
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English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 16
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Home sweet home (durasi: 00:57:36).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for rooms.
- Houses.
o There is - There are (some, any, no).
- Pronunciation.
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: Home sweet home (durasi: 00:57:36).
Disini kita belajar:
- Vocabulary for rooms.
- Houses.
o There is - There are (some, any, no).
- Pronunciation.
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English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 15
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Pelajaran ini berjudul: What's the matter (durasi: 00:47:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Health problems - ill, ache, sore...
o What's the matter?
o What's wrong?.
- Imperatives.
- Pronunciation.
o The words that have a vowel, a consonant and an e. This e is called silent e.
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What's the matter (durasi: 00:47:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Health problems - ill, ache, sore...
o What's the matter?
o What's wrong?.
- Imperatives.
- Pronunciation.
o The words that have a vowel, a consonant and an e. This e is called silent e.
Download file di voobys.
Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012
The Beast / 짐승 (Jim-seung)

The Beast, film Korea th2011, aku nonton film ini tadi malam di Indosiar (23:30-09Oct2012), sutradaranya Hwang Yoo-sik, pemainnya atl Jeong Seok-won sbg Kang Tae-hoon, Jeon Se-hong sbg Se-yeon, lebih lengkap di-hancinema.
Kisah Tae Hoon seorang tentara, setelah neneknya meninggal, satu2nya keluarganya yaitu adiknya, Bo-ra, profesinya model diculik dan akan dipaksa utk menjd bintang film porno, film-nya live yg akan tayang dlm 48jam, ia minta ijin kepada atasanya dan dia berusaha menyelamatkannya, awalnya dia lapor pd polisi tp tdk ditanggapi dg serius... akhirnya dia berjuang sendiri... tp atasannya dr militer juga akhirnya membantu ...
Download film: torrent (1Gg-avi), subtitle Eng incld.
Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012
The King 2 Hearts (더킹 투하츠)

The King 2 Hearts(더킹 투하츠), drama seri Korea th2012(20eps), penulisnya Hong Jin-ah, sutradaranya Lee Jae-kyu dan Jung Dae-yoon, pemainnya atl: Ha Ji-won sbg Kim Hang Ah, Lee Seung-gi sbg Lee Jae Ha, lebih lengkap di-wiki.
Bercerita tentang Lee Jae Ha seorang pangeran KorSel yg kemudian menjadi Raja KorSel setelah kakaknya dibunuh oleh ClubM yg berbisnis senjata... Ia menyukai Kim Hang Ah seorang perwira KorUt, ia bertemu ketika ada pelatihan utk WOC... akhirnya ClubM bisa diredam dan pangeran KorSel menikahi Perwira KorUt... kisah yg lucu, tegang juga romantis ... kisah perjuangan utk menyatukan KorSel dan KorUt ...
Aku nonton di Indosiar mulai 1Oktober2012.
Watch online: dramaload, epdrama.
Sinopsis Ep 1-20 diambil dari patataragazza dan dramaku sbb:
Senin, 08 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 14
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: The Body (durasi: 01:04:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Body vocabulary.
o The mouth (lip, tooth, tangue).
o The face (hair, forehead, ear, eyebrow, eye, nose, cheek, lip, chin).
o The body (head, neck, shoulder, back, arm, chest, stomach, elbow, wrist, hand, thumb, finger, leg, thigh, knee, ankle, foot, toe ).
- Make-up & jewelry.
- Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: The Body (durasi: 01:04:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Body vocabulary.
o The mouth (lip, tooth, tangue).
o The face (hair, forehead, ear, eyebrow, eye, nose, cheek, lip, chin).
o The body (head, neck, shoulder, back, arm, chest, stomach, elbow, wrist, hand, thumb, finger, leg, thigh, knee, ankle, foot, toe ).
- Make-up & jewelry.
- Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 13
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What are you wearing (durasi: 01:01:59).
Disini kita belajar:
- Colours.
- Clothing.
o What colour?
o Sentence structure.
o Present Continuous Tense (be+verb+ing).
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What are you wearing (durasi: 01:01:59).
Disini kita belajar:
- Colours.
- Clothing.
o What colour?
o Sentence structure.
o Present Continuous Tense (be+verb+ing).
Download file di voobys.
Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 12
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: How is the weather (durasi: 00:49:49).
Disini kita belajar:
- Weather terms.
o Seasons.
o Present Continous Tense (Present Progressive).
- Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: How is the weather (durasi: 00:49:49).
Disini kita belajar:
- Weather terms.
o Seasons.
o Present Continous Tense (Present Progressive).
- Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 11
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What day is it (durasi: 00:52:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Days of the week.
- Months.
o Ordinal numbers.
- Names of days.
- Holidays.
- Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What day is it (durasi: 00:52:50).
Disini kita belajar:
- Days of the week.
- Months.
o Ordinal numbers.
- Names of days.
- Holidays.
- Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 10
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What time is it (durasi: 00:48:25).
Disini kita belajar:
- Time Words.
o What time?.
o Prepositions of time.
o When?
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What time is it (durasi: 00:48:25).
Disini kita belajar:
- Time Words.
o What time?.
o Prepositions of time.
o When?
Download file di voobys.
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012
Avenging Angelo (2002)

Aku nonton Avenging Angelo di OChannel td malam, film Amerika th2002, genre-nya mafia comedy, sutradaranya Martyn Burke, pemainnya atl: Sylvester Stallone sbg Frankie Delano, Madeleine Stowe sbg Jennifer Barrett, Anthony Quinn sbg Angelo Allieghieri (ini film terakhirnya sblm dia meninggal), lebih lengkap di-wiki.
Jennifer sebetulnya anak dari Angelo, seorang mafia yg mati dibunuh oleh Malatesta, dia berusaha balas dendam dg bantuan bodyguard ayahnya, Frankie ... ada juga Gianni yg berusaha balas dendam pd Jennifer karena ayahnya Sammy dibunuh oleh Angelo ... ternyata Frankie sdh lama menyukai Jennifer, ia selalu mengawasi dan melindunginya ... akhirnya Frankie mengakui perasaannya pd Jennifer...lucu juga...
Download film: torrent (700mb-avi).
Subtitle: Eng.
Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 9
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: Where do you work (durasi: 01:03:59).
Disini kita belajar:
- Workplaces.
o Prepositions of location.
o Where do you work?
o The (specific/only/we know it from before)
o Frequency Adverbs - How often.
(always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom/rarely, never).
- Simple Present Tense
o Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: Where do you work (durasi: 01:03:59).
Disini kita belajar:
- Workplaces.
o Prepositions of location.
o Where do you work?
o The (specific/only/we know it from before)
o Frequency Adverbs - How often.
(always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom/rarely, never).
- Simple Present Tense
o Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Senin, 01 Oktober 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 8
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What do you do (durasi: 00:50:49).
Disini kita belajar:
- Job Vocabulary.
o a /an (articles).
o What is your job?
o What do you?
o Simple present tense.
o Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: What do you do (durasi: 00:50:49).
Disini kita belajar:
- Job Vocabulary.
o a /an (articles).
o What is your job?
o What do you?
o Simple present tense.
o Pronunciation.
Download file di voobys.
Minggu, 30 September 2012
English For You - Lowest Level Lesson 7
Watch on line dari Youtube:
Pelajaran ini berjudul: These are my relatives (durasi: 00:53:37).
Disini kita belajar:
- Family.
- Family - Possesion.
o Whose.
- Family - Simple Present Tense.
o Positive, Negative, Short Negative, Question.
o Irregular verb (go, do, have).
- Here/There.
o Where.
- Or (it's about choice).
Download file di voobys.
Pelajaran ini berjudul: These are my relatives (durasi: 00:53:37).
Disini kita belajar:
- Family.
- Family - Possesion.
o Whose.
- Family - Simple Present Tense.
o Positive, Negative, Short Negative, Question.
o Irregular verb (go, do, have).
- Here/There.
o Where.
- Or (it's about choice).
Download file di voobys.
Sabtu, 29 September 2012
Kaki Tiga Menjangan/Lu Ding Ji/The Deer and The Cauldron

Ket. di-ebook:
Judul Inggeris: Duke Of Moon Deer
Karya: Chin Yung
Ebook: Dewi KZ dan "aaa"
Mau download juga klik gbr buku-nya.
Kisah Wi Siau Po, seorang anak yg lahir di sebuah rumah pelacuran di kota Yang-ciu, ibunya, seorang pelacur, Siau Po tinggal bersama ibunya di rumah pelacuran, dia buta huruf, di kota Yang-ciu banyak tukang cerita yang menceritakan berbagai kisah kepahlawanan spt Sam Kok, Sui Hu Coan, dsbnya, Siau Po memang keranjingan cerita-cerita itu ... dikemudian hari cerita2 itu yg menjd guru kehidupannya... dia berteman dg kaisar Kong Hi yg hampir sebaya dgnya, menjd kepercayaannya ... juga bertemu dg gurunya yaitu Tan Kin Lam, seorang yg setia pd dinasti Beng dan dianggap sbg ayah baginya... diakhir cerita Siau Po memutuskan utk tdk berurusan lagi dg Kaisar atau pun pengikut Tan Kin Lam yg saling berseberangan, ia tdk bisa memilih salah satunya ... ia menghilang dan hidup dikota Tali bersama ke-7 istri, anak2 dan ibunya ... cerita yg panjang banget ... ada lucu, konyol ... manusiawi banget ... bukan seorang yg sangat baik tanpa cela dan bukan seorang yg sangat jahat tanpa kebaikan ...
Read online: Bag 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-89, 90-98Tamat.
Kisah ini bbrp kali diangkat ke layar lebar atau serial tv oleh berbagai negara, atl:

The Duke of Mount Deer th1984-serial TV Hongkong (40Eps), pemeran utamanya: Tony Leung sbg Wi Siau-Po, Andy Lau sbg Kaisar Kong Hi.
Download film: torrent (16.7GB-40eps),

The Royal Tramp and The Royal Tramp II th1992-Film Hongkong, pemeran utamanya: Stephen Chow sbg Wi Siau-Po, Deric Wan sbg Kaisar Kong Hi.
Download film:
The Royal Tramp: Torrent (700mb-avi).
The Royal Tramp II: Torrent (700mb).
Watch online di Youtube:
o The Royal Tramp (durasi 01:46:04).
o The Royal Tramp 2 (durasi 01:34:09).

The Duke of Mount Deer th1998-serial TV Hongkong (45Eps), pemeran utamanya: Jordan Chan sbg Wi Siau-Po, Steven Ma sbg Kaisar Kong Hi.
Watch online di youtube.
Download film: torrent (16.88Gb-mkv), filefactory.

The Duke of Mount Deer th2000-serial TV Hongkong (40Eps), pemeran utamanya: Dicky Cheung sbg Wi Siau-Po, Patrick Tam sbg Kaisar Kong Hi.
Watch on line di Youtube (complete 40Eps): Ep 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.
Download di voobys: Ep 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.
Download di idws (complete 40 eps): Ep 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (9), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
(28), 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 (38), 39 (39), 40.

The Royal Tramp th2008-serial TV China (50Eps), pemeran utamanya: Huang Xiaoming sbg Wi Siau-Po, Wallace Chung sbg Kaisar Kong Hi.
Watch online di Youtube: (The Duke of Mount Deer/ Lu Ding Ji).
Download: torrent (10.13GB-50Eps), Torrent (Sub Eng-34Gb-avi-50Eps).
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